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發表於 2023-12-28 12:30:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
A particularly on news sites. Native ads can easily be hidden in the content. Mobile ads work for both PPC advertising and native ads. You can even find them when you perform a search query. I typed “content marketing instructions” into Google and got the following result: contentmarketingad This is actually PPC advertising, but it looks like a normal search result. It could also be a normal blog post. It's not easy to distinguish the ad from the rest, even though the ad is clearly labeled as an ad. When I click on the link I end up on this page: newscredad A white paper to download.
Although this is a lead magnet, it still somehow fits my search query. Here's a more traditional PPC ad for comparison: contentmarketingad This is a completely normal paid advertisement and is immediately recognizable as such. I would only click philippines photo editor on it if I was , not otherwise. Native ads can be found everywhere. Many websites have a native advertising section marked “from our sponsors” or “from our advertising partners”. Here is the New York Times website and an ad from Adobe : adobead Although I know that in this case it is advertising (because the ad is clearly marked), the offer and the value proposition still convince me. When I click on the link I end up on this page: adobead However, the site contains helpful information.


The ad made me curious and the landing page keeps its promise. This is a good example of successful native advertising. Native ads are often compared to content marketing , but they are not the same. Native ads are advertising, but the content is often written by content marketers. This content can still be educational and informative, but the end goal of this content is always to sell a product or service. Cases where native ads work Ads that adapt to their environment are the solution to many problems that often arise with paid advertising. Firstly, these ads are not blocked. In , . million Americans used ad blocking programs.


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