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The direct relationship with the consumer represents









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發表於 2024-2-25 19:12:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
November , Digital News Written by Ana Rodilla Last June, IAB Spain presented the data from its traditional Ecommerce Study . Among the many data offered by the detailed report, the fact that % of Spanish Internet users use the online method as a purchasing channel stands out . Specifically, young people between and years old are the ones who make the most purchases online. In total, Spaniards who buy online spend an average purchase ticket of euros and make purchases per month. The study also points out the growing importance of marketplaces, which are used by % of online buyers , with Amaon being the preferred one.

Precisely these platforms have become an essential channel for brands.  significant cost savings, in addition to implying greater control over the customer experience and the sales process. It is not surpr Cameroon Phone Number List ising, then, that in recent years new marketplaces have been born and grown like wildfire that promise to be important competition for those that are already fully established. Let's see what they are and how they can help you increase the profits of your business. What are they and what are the main characteristics of the new marketplaces? Since Amaon, eBay or Aliexpress burst into the market years ago, achieving extraordinary growth and becoming some of the most powerful e-commerce in the world, marketplaces have revealed themselves as the department stores of the digital age.

If brand e-commerce works as a platform that sells its own products, this model incorporates a wide variety of brands , allowing consumers to find everything they demand in one place. They appear as the digital heirs of traditional physical department stores, in which the shopping experience is essential to the success of the business. Marketplaces have become platforms where you can compare products, evaluate prices and discover opportunities and promotions. In a society in which time has great value, this type of platform also helps to speed up the purchasing process, something especially interesting in periods of peak consumption. The recent Report on the high season prepared by Packlink reveals that, in the few weeks between Black Friday and Christmas shopping, Spaniards will spend more than billion euros on online sales platforms . No one can be surprised, therefore, that these online spaces have become an increasingly thriving business opportunity and new marketplaces are emerging everywhere.


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